My job is to make sure you feel confident and stylish on dates.

Do you get stressed when you’re getting ready for a date?
Not sure what to wear, or how to style your outfit? Too busy and don’t have time to figure out what to wear going from your job to a date? Back on the dating scene & starting over after being divorced - not sure what to wear?
Do you wish you had a fashionista BFF in your back pocket who would just tell you what to wear so that you felt more confident and sexy?

Your Dating Stylist takes all the guesswork, stress, extra time & energy out of “what to wear” on a date!


Jessica Taylor is
Your Dating Stylist.

Jessica created a business to help women feel sexy, confident, and at ease in the dating world.

Her mission is to take away all the stress, wasted time, and overwhelm that can come with being on the dating scene and dressing for dates.

As someone who re-entered the dating world after divorce, she saw so many of the challenges women face and knew she could be the solution. Jessica now uses her 20 years of experience as a makeup artist, her graphic design and fine arts background, as well as her degrees in psychology and communication to style and support her clients so that they can take on the dating scene with less stress and more confidence to find the partner they’re searching for. 


It’s your turn to feel sexy & confident!

Here’s how we can help you achieve your style goals.



Style Consultation

Virtual Style Consultations to help you understand your own style and how to choose the right outfits with more ease.


Outfit Curation

Jessica will curate multiple perfect date looks just for you, based on your style and body type. This saves you time and energy.


Makeup Lessons

Learn the right way to apply your makeup so that you feel confident and sexy no matter what your style is!


SOS Messaging

Created for those times when you’re having a meltdown as you get dressed for your date.


“Being happy with my outfit makes me feel more confident on my dates!”

– Steph